I'm currently sitting in my basement office in front of my brand new space heater.
Yes, I'm all about saving money and cutting back on electricity and all that jazz.
After working for about seven hours down here on Saturday morning I declared I could not, and would not, go through another winter working without a space heater. I had on long johns, wool socks and three shirts and still froze my big rump.
It might actually be a little cozy down here this year. That makes me extremely happy.
We'll see how happy I am when I get my next electric bill.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Cold weather goals update:
I haven't updated my goals in a couple of weeks.
I haven't touched my scarf in that time. It has been sitting on T's dresser all of this time (to keep the needles out of Monkey's reach as I haven't designated an area to knitting storage yet).
I can finally see my desktop. I still have a few things to organize and deal with, but the worst part of the desk area has been dealt with. I taught someone Quickbooks one on one last week for a little extra spending money, so Monkey and I are going to hit up TJMaxx this week to find some office organization tools. I need to get a few more things off the desk and they need to go on the wall. I want room on the desk to work. I do have a few ideas but have lacked the time to implement. It is coming, though!
My shredder, however, can not keep up with me. I've been adding to the stack of shreddable materials. I keep overheating the shredder and by the time it cools enough to use it, I've moved on (or Monkey has awaken).
I'm also hoping I can finally get back into scrapbooking now there is room on my desk. I almost started my wedding album yesterday (finally - after 3 1/2 years, right?), but Monkey woke from her nap and T was outside changing the tires on the car, so I put the album right back away. It was the first time it came out of the "wedding" box in 2 years (the wedding box being a pretty storage box I have with all sorts of things to put into the scrapbook, like an invitation, a program, etc). Not to mention I never did finish my pregnancy book or ever get started on Monkey's "First Year" book.
I started working on a cross stitch last week. It's a scarecrow and I'm stitching him onto a piece of burlap. I think he'll be cute framed with an orange mat. He'll obviously be way out of season by the time I finish him, but I'll have him for next year!
I've also been shopping around for my bedroom re-do. By shopping I do mean online window shopping. I also found a lovely wall hanging at Target that would go perfect above the bed. And, again, I've got some extra funds from my side work to go purchase it this week. The side work I do really is worth it for all I get to do around the house. I may have to be patient to wait for the next funds to arrive (they usually are gone as fast as they get here), but my house will thank me when I'm done.
Progress has been made!
I haven't touched my scarf in that time. It has been sitting on T's dresser all of this time (to keep the needles out of Monkey's reach as I haven't designated an area to knitting storage yet).
I can finally see my desktop. I still have a few things to organize and deal with, but the worst part of the desk area has been dealt with. I taught someone Quickbooks one on one last week for a little extra spending money, so Monkey and I are going to hit up TJMaxx this week to find some office organization tools. I need to get a few more things off the desk and they need to go on the wall. I want room on the desk to work. I do have a few ideas but have lacked the time to implement. It is coming, though!
My shredder, however, can not keep up with me. I've been adding to the stack of shreddable materials. I keep overheating the shredder and by the time it cools enough to use it, I've moved on (or Monkey has awaken).
I'm also hoping I can finally get back into scrapbooking now there is room on my desk. I almost started my wedding album yesterday (finally - after 3 1/2 years, right?), but Monkey woke from her nap and T was outside changing the tires on the car, so I put the album right back away. It was the first time it came out of the "wedding" box in 2 years (the wedding box being a pretty storage box I have with all sorts of things to put into the scrapbook, like an invitation, a program, etc). Not to mention I never did finish my pregnancy book or ever get started on Monkey's "First Year" book.
I started working on a cross stitch last week. It's a scarecrow and I'm stitching him onto a piece of burlap. I think he'll be cute framed with an orange mat. He'll obviously be way out of season by the time I finish him, but I'll have him for next year!
I've also been shopping around for my bedroom re-do. By shopping I do mean online window shopping. I also found a lovely wall hanging at Target that would go perfect above the bed. And, again, I've got some extra funds from my side work to go purchase it this week. The side work I do really is worth it for all I get to do around the house. I may have to be patient to wait for the next funds to arrive (they usually are gone as fast as they get here), but my house will thank me when I'm done.
Progress has been made!
Winter Goals 2008/2009
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tales of the road
For some reason, the only time Monkey will recite animal sounds for me is when we're alone in the car.
Last night, on our way to town, I was drilling her like I normally do.
"Monkey, what does a cow say?"
"mrrrr" (that's her cow sound)
"What does a doggy say?"
"What does a kitty say?"
"And what does Gram say when something is yucky?"
"Blech blech"
While my Mom was here last weekend, Monkey was opening a tube of butt cream with her mouth. Gram made barfy sounds at her, telling her it was yucky. They continued making these sounds at eachother until Gram left on Monday.
For the record, I really didn't expect an answer. And I can't believe she remembered.
Last night, on our way to town, I was drilling her like I normally do.
"Monkey, what does a cow say?"
"mrrrr" (that's her cow sound)
"What does a doggy say?"
"What does a kitty say?"
"And what does Gram say when something is yucky?"
"Blech blech"
While my Mom was here last weekend, Monkey was opening a tube of butt cream with her mouth. Gram made barfy sounds at her, telling her it was yucky. They continued making these sounds at eachother until Gram left on Monday.
For the record, I really didn't expect an answer. And I can't believe she remembered.
child's play
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sesame Street
While listening to the radio at work last Tuesday, I heard a discussion about a show coming to Bangor next month. Sesame Street Live: When Elmo Grows Up. The fact that it's Sesame Street was enough, but Elmo being the center of the show? After a discussion with T, it was decided I couldn't NOT bring Monkey.
Gram was with us while we were discussing it and I said "How about you come down with C [my nephew] and we'll take the kids together?" Turns out, she was game.
I just purchased 4 tickets for the Wednesday morning show and I am extremely excited. I actually feel like a dork. I can't wait to see Monkey's face when she sees the characters "in real life" - especially her beloved Elmo!
What fun things are you doing with your little ones this season?
Gram was with us while we were discussing it and I said "How about you come down with C [my nephew] and we'll take the kids together?" Turns out, she was game.
I just purchased 4 tickets for the Wednesday morning show and I am extremely excited. I actually feel like a dork. I can't wait to see Monkey's face when she sees the characters "in real life" - especially her beloved Elmo!
What fun things are you doing with your little ones this season?
child's play
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Giveaway at Living Senses
So, I've managed to fall behind with blog reading thanks to the chaos of the past week (blog posting as well, obviously). I swear, I'm trying to catch up!
Thanks to the heads up I just received this morning, I was able to get in on the giveaway over at Living Senses.
Check out the link for details!
Thanks to the heads up I just received this morning, I was able to get in on the giveaway over at Living Senses.
Check out the link for details!
Some of you might want to strangle me
I've got the Christmas bug. Badly. It's taken all of the strength I have to not start pulling out my plastic totes and tubs full of Christmas decorations.
So I'll share a couple fall pictures one more time to try to keep myself from being one of "those" people.
Raking is such tough work. I need a break.
A family of scarecrows. I shudder at the thought of when I took them apart. A mouse decided to start a nest in the Jodi scarecrow. UGH. (This would be the day after we found a HUGE nest in T's snowmobile and saw about 10 jump out. That really gives me the chills!)
So I'll share a couple fall pictures one more time to try to keep myself from being one of "those" people.
Raking is such tough work. I need a break.
It's difficult to not want to jump to the next season now. It's been dreary all week.
Friday, November 14, 2008
A new addition to our home
Monkey and I took Gram away from the hospital for an hour yesterday. She's been spending pretty much the entire time there for the past week with my Grandmother D. We took a small excursion to Target to find going home sweat pants for D (much more comfy than jeans for a 4 hour drive after being in the hospital so long, right?). I should mention D isn't leaving the hospital just yet - we're just trying to be prepared.
While at Target, we meandered into the baby department. And look what we found!
While at Target, we meandered into the baby department. And look what we found!

We don't have a large bathroom, so finding floor space for an actual potty would be a pain. I'm not opposed to buying one, but I figured we'll try this way first.
Monkey has a supreme love of Elmo. I'm hoping this will help make it more fun for her, making her want to use it.
Here's to hoping!
child's play
Monday, November 10, 2008
Quick update
So, it was a crazy week last week. Normally, I spend naptime catching up on the internet (blogging, e-mailing, updating my checkbook, etc). Last week, I was spending naptimes attempting to nap as well. My cold wasn't all too bad, but I had a horrible cough which kept me up ALL.NIGHT.LONG. So I was pretty run down last week.
Thursday, my Grandma D had surgery. We spent the day at the hospital (Monkey is such a patient child - she spent the entire day with no complaints). She's recovering well, but I'm sure she'll be very happy to be able to go home. Since she had her surgery here in town, my mom is staying with us for the duration so she can be at the hospital every day. Aunt B has the fun task of wrangling Pepere, so they went back home on Friday. I'm sure she'll be pretty happy to see everyone home too! Pepere can be a handful now!!
T worked all weekend so he only went in for noon today. Monkey's nap schedule is all messed up as well. So we still haven't done our groceries for the week. PS - I failed last week. I spent $45 at the grocery store. However, $15 was milk and yogurt. So I didn't go over too badly. It was still a fail, though.
I also have no updates for the cold weather projects. I think I've knit a total of 3 whole rows in the past week on my scarf. I haven't attacked anything else, either. We've been spending too much time getting Monkey and myself over our cold and a bunch of time at the hospital in between. And, of course, working.
Hopefully I have a chance to post our grocery total for the week later. Again, with Monkey on a different nap schedule, that ship may have sailed for today.
With that, I'm off to take a much desired shower. Working the morning at home makes it difficult to shower at a decent time of day.
Thursday, my Grandma D had surgery. We spent the day at the hospital (Monkey is such a patient child - she spent the entire day with no complaints). She's recovering well, but I'm sure she'll be very happy to be able to go home. Since she had her surgery here in town, my mom is staying with us for the duration so she can be at the hospital every day. Aunt B has the fun task of wrangling Pepere, so they went back home on Friday. I'm sure she'll be pretty happy to see everyone home too! Pepere can be a handful now!!
T worked all weekend so he only went in for noon today. Monkey's nap schedule is all messed up as well. So we still haven't done our groceries for the week. PS - I failed last week. I spent $45 at the grocery store. However, $15 was milk and yogurt. So I didn't go over too badly. It was still a fail, though.
I also have no updates for the cold weather projects. I think I've knit a total of 3 whole rows in the past week on my scarf. I haven't attacked anything else, either. We've been spending too much time getting Monkey and myself over our cold and a bunch of time at the hospital in between. And, of course, working.
Hopefully I have a chance to post our grocery total for the week later. Again, with Monkey on a different nap schedule, that ship may have sailed for today.
With that, I'm off to take a much desired shower. Working the morning at home makes it difficult to shower at a decent time of day.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Long cold weekend
Not that I would have had time to really do any posting this weekend, but we haven't had Internet since Saturday for some reason. This happens every time there is a time change and it drives me insane.
My in-laws were here for the weekend. They stayed with Monkey Saturday night while T & I went to the hockey game. I've got to say, the team is starting to show some promise! They won both games this weekend. They were outplayed Friday night, but coach made a few changes on Saturday and they worked well together!
It was pretty darn cold out this weekend. We played outside a bit, but it was just a tad too cold to stay out for long stretches, thanks to the wind.
T spent some time Saturday moving his "toys" around. We have two sheds (he needed the second because we don't have a garage). So by moving his toys around, I mean he put his summer things away (motorcycle, lawn mower) and pulled out the winter things (snowmobile, snow blower). He found a HUGE mouse nest under the cab of the snowmobile. After he drove it out of the shed, you could see all of the mice trying to come out to run away. I saw five, but T said there were more. YUCK. But I'd much prefer them in the sled than in the house!
We're all sick. I've been fighting a small cold since last week (I don't know what's wrong with me - I'm hardly ever sick and this is the third time in a month!). Over the weekend, it blew into full blown misery. T started it Friday. And yesterday, Monkey started. She's been walking around with tissues and blowing her nose every other minute (yes, at 17 months old, she blows her nose like a pro). I'm going to prop one side of her mattress today so her head is slightly elevated. I think she'll sleep a bit better tonight (I was up quite a bit with her last night - that's not going to help me get over it, either!).
I'm just updating the checkbook now and Monkey and I will quickly shower so we can head to town and do our groceries for the week. I'll update later to see how I do on the spending!
Have a great day!
My in-laws were here for the weekend. They stayed with Monkey Saturday night while T & I went to the hockey game. I've got to say, the team is starting to show some promise! They won both games this weekend. They were outplayed Friday night, but coach made a few changes on Saturday and they worked well together!
It was pretty darn cold out this weekend. We played outside a bit, but it was just a tad too cold to stay out for long stretches, thanks to the wind.
T spent some time Saturday moving his "toys" around. We have two sheds (he needed the second because we don't have a garage). So by moving his toys around, I mean he put his summer things away (motorcycle, lawn mower) and pulled out the winter things (snowmobile, snow blower). He found a HUGE mouse nest under the cab of the snowmobile. After he drove it out of the shed, you could see all of the mice trying to come out to run away. I saw five, but T said there were more. YUCK. But I'd much prefer them in the sled than in the house!
We're all sick. I've been fighting a small cold since last week (I don't know what's wrong with me - I'm hardly ever sick and this is the third time in a month!). Over the weekend, it blew into full blown misery. T started it Friday. And yesterday, Monkey started. She's been walking around with tissues and blowing her nose every other minute (yes, at 17 months old, she blows her nose like a pro). I'm going to prop one side of her mattress today so her head is slightly elevated. I think she'll sleep a bit better tonight (I was up quite a bit with her last night - that's not going to help me get over it, either!).
I'm just updating the checkbook now and Monkey and I will quickly shower so we can head to town and do our groceries for the week. I'll update later to see how I do on the spending!
Have a great day!
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