Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Go BIG or Go Home

The theme in our house yesterday.

What’s that big pot on the stove?


Why, it’s our turkey fryer pot.  But what’s in it?


A whole lotta spaghetti sauce.  We had dinner with it and then packed the rest into 32 oz yogurt containers for the freezer.  We had 16 make their way downstairs.  (There are 4 lbs of ground moose and 4 lbs of ground beef – PLUS another 2 lbs of ground beef and 1 1/2 lbs ground pork in my take on Alton’s Baked Meatballs [we don’t eat lamb and I made a batch and a half-ish].)

Salad goes well with spaghetti, right?


I’m hoping that bad boy lasts us more than 2 days.  We’re on a big salad kick right now – I made 3 last week!  (There are 2 bags of chopped lettuce blends, 1 bag of baby spinach, 4 carrots, 2 cucumbers, half a tomato and 1 each of 3 different colored peppers in here.  NOM.)

Let’s round out the meal with some bread.


Don’t mind the end where my 2 little mice ripped off a chunk to taste it.  ;-)  This would be a Rustic Bread from Country Living.  It’s big.  It took up most of my half sheet baking sheet.  I think I’ll be making some croutons with some of it to go with that big salad.

I’m getting hungry again.  Maybe I’ll go rip off a chunk of that bread……


I’d like to send a shout out to Kim @ Achorn Farm.  I may have given her the heads up on using Windows Live Writer but she clued me in to the fact you can edit pictures and so much more here!  I’ve been editing in Picasa, uploading to Writer and it just takes so much time that I don’t have much of.  So..  YAY!  Thanks!  (Maybe you’ll see more of me now?)

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