We're trying to enjoy the start of summer. This rain SUCKS. Though Monkey has been able to enjoy her 50 cent yard sale Elmo sprinkler a few times.
Speaking of this rain sucking - our garden needs some sun. Very badly.
We had a lovely Father's Day. Monkey and I made T some homemade blueberry waffles for breakfast (and made a bunch extra to freeze). We spent the day meandering about. I made a huge batch of spaghetti sauce to freeze and made a sling for New Bean (my first ever sewing project, start to finish, with a pattern and ZERO help! I was - AM - quite proud of myself.).
We later ended up at Treworgy's for ice cream and to feed the goats. One of the baby goats decided to give Monkey a haircut (I caught it eating her hair through the fence!). Luckily, very minimal damage was done (you can't even tell) and we got an excellent laugh out of it. After feeding T some grilled steaks, grilled scallops, grilled portobella mushrooms, boiled asparagus and twice baked potatoes (nom nom nom), we went to a field down the road to fly our Elmo kite.
Our chickens have yet to lay eggs. We do expect it anytime in the next couple of weeks, though. And are these the laziest chickens ever or do all chickens lounge around like this? The sprawled out legs crack me up.
Ok. That's all I have time for today. I figured I should let my loyal readers know there is still no baby. And all of this relaxing crap being forced on me has my blood pressure WAY back down to normal.
Hopefully, my next update is to introduce you to New Bean. Momma's ready!
I was wondering if your baby had arrived! I recently made a sling for my sister in law and she uses it quite often. It was a fitted style one. I wish I had thought to make one with my boys.
Yeah the rain has us all kinda grumpy around here. We just want to go outside already!
Can't wait to meet New Bean! I hope it's soon :)
I'll be thinking of you Mama!
Oh, and the chicken thing? HIlarious.
so glad to get an update, can't wait to hear of new bean's arrival! i thought you'd be up to your ears in scrambled eggs. love you guys and best wishes uncle bry and anunt ran
I totally agree with you about the rain. I am thankful with each ray of sunshine we get. Love the chickens. At least the New Bean is well done. Anytime will be good for you. :)
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