Friday, August 14, 2009

Sweet Treat... Friday?

I was trying to post sweet treats on Saturdays, but let's face it... I post when I have time right now.

I found this recipe for Blueberry Banana Muffins in Ladies' Home Journal this week. It's one of the many advertisements, which I usually ignore, but being overcome with blueberries at the moment, it caught my eye.

I made them with Monkey this morning. I got 24 instead of the 18 the recipe says - and they aren't teeny tiny, so I'm not sure how big their 18 were but they must have been pretty big for a 12 muffin tin. Not the healthiest of breakfasts, but we enjoyed them very much.

Also, it was the first time I got to use the extra muffin tin I picked up on my junking trip with my Mom back in May. There were 2 tins for 25 cents. How could I leave them when the 1 tin I already owned was never enough?


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