2005 was a big year for us. Huge. Our nephew was born in June, we were planning a wedding/honeymoon and T got drawn in the moose lottery. You know the song "Wake me up when September Ends" by Green Day? That was my theme for the year, except I was singing October in place of September.
So after the big event in September and our wonderful week away in Maui (you only get one honeymoon, my friends. We never travel so he wanted to do it big. Big we did.), T started planning his hunt.
T was lucky. He was drawn to hunt the zone he wanted. Our good friend J happens to have a family farm in said zone, with lots of land to hunt. They were only able to scout on Saturday and Sunday, but they knew one was around.
On Monday, October 9, 2006, T and his buddies were off bright and early. I can't share all of the story here because, to be honest, my eyes tend to glaze over when I hear it so I don't even know all of the details.
First thing in the morning, T got the big one. He called me immediately to tell me and I could hear the excitement in his voice. It was around 800 lbs (again - the details escape me and I don't know how to read that scale).

They were the second ones in at the tagging station that morning. Being on our friends farm had its perks. For one, they didn't need to manually drag it to a vehicle. *Enter J with a tractor*

We didn't have to buy any beef for quite a few months. He kept our freezer stocked and our tummies full.
WOW! Great story! I saw a proud hunter on the highway this weekend with his flatbed full of moose and a 4 wheeler... the moose made the 4 wheeler look tiny!
My oldest said "mom, he must have bought that moose at the store, noone could shoot something that big!" I laughed and gave her all the clues I saw that pointed other wise... including the two men in the front seat in camo and smiling from ear to ear!
Awesome, a few of my friends are up north as I type looking for their trophy animal. Thanks for catering to your male readers! LOL!
SAHM - The smiling from ear to ear would be a dead give away for sure. lol
TRO - I do aim to please.
After participating in my 6th hunt in eight years, I'm ready to throw in the moose hunting towel...
Drew a permit in 2000 and got a bull at 850 pounds, 13 point, 45 inch spread, and $750 to mount. Got another bull permit in 2003 and decided first come first dropped. At 468 pounds this forkhorn was taken in 2.5 hours of the season. Got yet again another bull permit last year and let my cousin shoot it, took us all week but it was around 750 pounds and 11 points... Throw in my best man's moose in 2002, 2005, and my cousin's cow permit this year and I'm moosed out!!!
DEDH - That's a lot of moose.
I took the Hunter's Safety course in 2006. We're now waiting for my name to get drawn. But T was able to start putting his name in again this year, so now we just have to hope we don't both get drawn in the same year. Our freezer isn't big enough. lol
NICE ONE. John was drawn for a first two years ago and shot a "Big One"..the head mount is right behind me and the meat is LONG gone and very tasty.
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