Melissa over at The Inspired Room is hosting a Project Procrastinators Party today and I've decided to join in. I have a thousand and one projects I want done and/or currently in progress. I'm having a difficult time choosing which one to go with.
There's the master bedroom that got painted a couple of months ago but never got finished:

Then there's the bathroom remodel we're working on (though our Handy Man was sick last week and we still haven't rescheduled for him to come put in the tile):
Then there's the crib for New Bean (which is the only piece of furniture we even have for him/her!):
(I don't have a picture and can't get to it right now, so I guess I'll leave you hanging on this one!)
There's also the stairway remodel that is still a work in progress:
I could go on and on, but I won't bore you.
I've decided to start with the stairway. I've been wanting this done for quite some time (it was one of my Cold Weather Goals, after all - and the cold weather is long gone!). I know I'll still have some accessorizing to do at the end of the two weeks, but if I can get those stairs painted, I'll be happy. Besides, my accessorizing hinges on a junking trip I'm taking with my Mom the day after this party has ended!
This might be very difficult with Monkey. I can't exactly have her hanging out in the stairway with me - and I don't think she'll be happy sitting at the top of the stairs (behind a locked gate, no less), watching me work. And that's my excuse for not having done it by now. HA!
Here is the very first BEFORE pictures:
And here is what the top of the stairway currently looks like:
The bottom half has yet to be touched and still looks like the BEFORE seen above.
And tell me not to sit here thinking "No Problem! I'll finish the stairs and be over ambitious and even get another project done, too!" I am 30 weeks pregnant, after all. Shouldn't I be relaxing with my feet up a little? (NEVER!)
Wish me luck!
Wow! You've done a lot of work. I love what you did with the wine area :)
Lots of great projects ahead!
Wow, at 30 weeks I would not have even considered taking one a project like that! You must be a very energetic person! Good luck with it. Can't wait to see it.
Oh, it is going to be terrific! I was always madly rushing around finishing projects and moving furniture at 30 weeks. Insane? Yes. But I was energized by the deadline! :-D Can't wait to see the end result (and take some time to put those feet up during the process if you can!)
I love the wine area! Looks so nice! And yes at 30 weeks? I didnt do anything at 30! lol. We have alot in common actually. I live in Maine have a 2 year old and a newborn. Thought i was reading about myself ast first! lol
I think pregnancy makes me more energetic than normal. It must be that nesting instinct because I've been very much on screech lately.
I got started on my project today! I still have a lot of painting to do because I was only able to paint for about 25 minutes. That's still a start!!
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